
I Retired At 35, And Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Retire Early


Early retirement seems like the ultimate goal, doesn’t it? Making lots of money and then quitting your job so you can do whatever you want.

At 35, that’s what I did.

The truth is something very different. The freedom to design your day exactly as you want won’t be for everyone. Jobs provide structure and “something to do.” Believe it or not, many need them.

Here are 12 reasons NOT to retire early if you care about your sanity.

Financial Stability

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One of the most crucial reasons to avoid early retirement is financial security. Retiring early means you’ll need to rely on your savings and investments to cover your living expenses for extended periods. With longer life expectancies and increasing healthcare costs, prematurely depleting your savings can lead to financial distress later in life. Staying in the workforce longer allows you to accumulate more substantial financial reserves, ensuring a more secure retirement.


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Studies have shown that continued employment can positively affect your physical and mental health. A structured routine, social interactions, and a sense of purpose can improve overall well-being. In contrast, early retirement may lead to a sedentary lifestyle, isolation, and feelings of boredom, potentially compromising your health.

Social Connections


The workplace often serves as a hub for social interactions. Colleagues become friends, mentors, and a support system. When you retire early, you may miss out on these vital social connections, leading to loneliness and isolation. Maintaining a robust social network outside of work can be challenging, and early retirees may find it harder to replace the camaraderie they had in the workplace.

Sense of Purpose

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Having a job provides a sense of purpose and accomplishment. Work can give you a reason to get out of bed each morning, challenge your skills, and allow you to contribute to society. When you retire early, you may find it difficult to replace this sense of purpose, leading to feelings of aimlessness and dissatisfaction.

Delayed Social Security Benefits

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Wait…how is delaying social security benefits a…good thing?

Retiring before your full retirement age can result in reduced Social Security benefits. Your monthly payments will be permanently reduced if you claim Social Security before retirement. By continuing to work and waiting to claim benefits, you can maximize your Social Security income, which is essential for many retirees.

Longer Lifespans


Advances in healthcare and improved living conditions have led to longer lifespans. While this is undoubtedly a positive development, it also means that you’ll need more money to sustain yourself throughout retirement. Retiring early can significantly strain your financial resources, potentially leaving you struggling to cover your expenses as you age.

Rising Healthcare Costs

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Healthcare costs tend to rise as you get older, and medical expenses can be a significant financial burden in retirement. Medicare coverage typically begins at age 65, so if you retire early, you may need to find alternative healthcare solutions, such as private insurance, which can be costly. Staying employed longer can help you bridge the gap until you’re eligible for Medicare and reduce your healthcare expenses in the long run.


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Inflation erodes the purchasing power of your savings over time. By retiring early, you may expose yourself to a more extended period of inflationary pressure, making it challenging to maintain your desired lifestyle. Continuing to work and earning a steady income can help you keep up with rising costs and inflation.

Asset Depletion

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Retiring early often means tapping into your retirement savings earlier than planned. This can lead to the depletion of your assets over time, leaving you with inadequate resources to support your lifestyle. Early retirement may hinder your ability to leave a legacy for your heirs or support charitable causes.

Missed Opportunities

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Finally, retiring early can mean missing out on personal and professional growth opportunities. The skills and knowledge you’ve acquired over the years are valuable assets, and continuing to work can allow you to share your expertise, mentor others, and leave a lasting impact on your field. Early retirement may cut short your opportunities to contribute meaningfully to your profession and community.

Want To Retire Early?

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Bring it on! But in the right way.

Early retirement results from earning a high income and investing at least 20% of it throughout your career—ideally, more. Your assets also grow as the market grows (and in the long term, it usually does). This is true passive income, and it’s how most millionaires get rich.

Here are three resources that’ll teach you how to retire early on your terms:
